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A thing about rented referrals

You can learn the basics of Neobux here (a video link).

The biggest income in Neobux has been achieved with rented referrals. The thing is though, the biggest income needed a great investment. We speak about a thousand dollars or even more. Free (standard) members can't achieve anything but loss of time and money with rented referrals. That's why, if you want to earn for free, you should only focus on getting direct (free) referrals. Ask people to join Neobux with your link.

I have 6 rented referrals now. At the beginning of their rental period they clicked well, for about 1-2 weeks they had a clicking average of 3 or more. After that the number is below 1. Some days none of them clicks. That means I lose money since they need to click at least 50 clicks in a month to just pay back themselves. The best result I've managed is 45 clicks/month from a rented referral.

On the other hand, I have 2 direct referrals. I don't know them personally, they used my link I had placed in some places on the internet (forum signatures, social networks). They click all their 4 advertisements every day which makes me $0.04 a day for free. This means they double my earnings because I make at least $0.04 every day from my own advertisement clicks.

You can learn the basics of Neobux here (a video link).
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