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Making progress

Today I'm going to reach the payout limit of $3.00 in Neobux (1st withdrawal is $2, 2nd=$3, 3rd=$4 etc. until fixed $10). I've searched for new investment programs on the internet and found a few promising ones with minimum investment of $1.00. They promise very high returns, like 20% a day for 7 days. All of these investment sites will collapse, the highest ROI (return of investment) offering sites first. Some will go after 2 days, some after 2 months, some after even 2 years. That's why it is very important to invest in many different sites, dividing the risk of losing your money. Do not invest anything you can't afford to lose.

With this kind of online investment (called HYIP, High Yield Investment Program) you will be scammed, sooner or later the site will go down with your money. Even the biggest, oldest and most trusted sites will close, as happened to Hugmoney, GeniusFunds and many other large HYIPs. To be more secure you need to join AlertPay, because they have a refund policy if you get scammed. You can request the amount you invested to the site through AlertPay and they'll pay you back. That's the one reason AlertPay is the best payment processor.

If you don't want to invest your own money, you can always join Neobux, where you click ads to earn money.
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